Soak Music is music that has specifically been created to help us enter in and remain in the presence of God in prayer and meditation.
A key to this music is that there is little if any singing. Hearing words will disrupt prayer and meditation, so there is an emphasis on the instrumental.
There are a number of spiritual minstrels who have created amazing worship experiences, and I am only familiar with a few of these. All of the ones I give you here are available on (the home page will try to get you to sign up for Premium Service, but if you scroll down, you can the place to download the free app). This is a free web site, and you only need to create a username to access it.
Be aware that using the free version will require listening to a short series of ads about every 30 minutes. And if you use Spotify on a tablet or phone, it will shuffle play, and sometimes even go off of your list into music it thinks you would like.
Nothing free is perfect! (You can sign up for $8 a month and skip the ads and the
shuffle play).
There is much more soak music out there to be sure, but here is at least a starter list for
Draw Near by Kimberly and Alberto Rivera. This is my very favorite. It never gets old
with me. This album is so anointed it never ceases to draw me into worship.
The Riveras only make soak music, and have created dozens of albums. Lots to explore.
Andrew Booth: The Rest Liturgy (I and II). Two albums of anointed flute music with just a
touch of some vocal backgrounds on rare occasions. Great stuff.
Julie Booth is another musician who has created a number of soak albums. I am just
getting to know her material, and it is all excellent for worship.
Chuck Girard: Voice of the Wind. This is a very powerful album by one of the original
contemporary Christian artists from the 70s. This is a wonderful album, but he
does sing quite a bit in this one, so I don’t use this as much for my prayer time. It’s
great to listen and reflect on, though.